Environmental Policy

Accepted by Unikie Board of Directors on 7th March 2024.


Unikie is a global high technology and software company based in Finland, operating in international markets and a pioneer of intelligent, real time decision making machines, cars, and industrial applications. Our mission is to connect vehicles, people, and processes safely and in real time, using continuous situational awareness. This policy outlines the environmental policy of the Unikie group.

Complying with the legislation

We here at Unikie group conduct our business in compliance of local legislation and other mandatory regulations. We work in collaboration of external and internal authorities and partners to develop the operations and processes to be more sustainable.

Conscious Choices

In our processes and operations, we use renewable energy when it is possible, and continuously seek opportunities to increase the percentage of renewable energy in our business and operations.

We design and develop our products to enhance sustainability and productivity to follow the local authorities’ legislation and regulations regarding greenhouse gas, water, air, and soil emissions. While designing the products we aim to add sustainability to the value chain.

Sustainability is our main criteria during the procurement process and in the selection of our suppliers. We require all our suppliers to obey Unikies own environmental policy and comply with Unikie supplier code of conduct. Unikie is continuously seeking possibilities to increase the amount of circular economy products and possibilities in our business and operations.

Monitoring and tracking

We have comprehensibly assessed the environmental impacts caused by our operations and processes and our environmental targets are based on these assessments. We are committed to continue tracking our environmental impacts and progression towards achieving our objectives. The tracking of the group’s environmental impacts, emissions and progression towards the objectives are carried through surveys directed to the suppliers, stakeholders and employees. In addition to the surveys, emissions calculations are performed in every quartal.

The Unikie group is committed to track, record and monitor our CO2 emissions and energy usage on our sites and other selected areas of our operations to reduce them and to develop our energy use to be more sustainable. This monitoring and documenting are being done at the facility and corporate level. 

The recorded data will be used to monitor and evaluate the progress towards achieving the set objectives in the framework of ISO 14001 environmental management system.


In addition to our own operational acts to protect the environment, Unikie is committed to protect and regenerate nature by eliminating deforestation, sustainable sourcing, water stewardship and biodiversity protection.

While choosing our suppliers, cloud providers and other possible partners we prioritize suppliers with ISO 14001 certification and other reliable suppliers that can deliver trustworthy reporting data about their processes, operations, and products.

We are committed to Paris agreements goals of Science Based Initiatives and UN’s Agenda 2030 selected goals and targets for sustainable development, and we are encouraging our suppliers, subcontractors, and clients to do the same.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improve our sustainability in the Framework of ISO 14001 environmental management system.